
The I-Twins is a vocal duet composed, as the name suggests, of twins brother and sister, Quentin and Camille. Their music takes root in the Jamaican music from the late 60s till the early 80s and bears touches of jazz and soul. Vocal harmonies play an essential role in it. The I-Twins perform on stage since 2014 accompanied by musicians partly coming from the Najavibes band, most of the time with the complete group with drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and horns, and at certain occasions with an acoustic group, with guitar and keyboard.

  • Camille
  • Stuf
  • Mathias
  • Quentin
  • Antonin
  • Michael
  • Solal
  • Leo

Roots reggae addicts since the age of thirteen, the twins started their musical adventure in 2008, when they were aged nineteen, playing and composing together, first in the shadow, before their music was brought to light in 2014, with the release of their first autoproduced album, “The Way For We”, mixed by Fabwize. Since then, they played their compositions on the occasion of more than twenty shows in Switzerland.

During that time, alongside concerts, they kept on composing; the second album – also autoproduced – naturally took shape in this way. It was released under the name “The Master Plan” le on the 2nd of June 2017. Recordings started in June 2016 and ended in January 2017. For the mix of this album, the I-Twins were lucky to work with Roberto Sánchez, a well-known producer and a roots reggae specialist.

To the I-Twins, music is a powerful vehicle for messages, that is why they attach much importance to the lyrics. Their songs deal with themes that matter to them, some being of political nature, others being of personal nature. The aim is that, even when the topic is very particular and personal, the lyrics be written in the broadest manner, so that every one, no mater his-her experience and emotional baggage, can identify with them.

Besides their common musical project, the two are involved in different musical projects since many years, Camille being the singer of the Skankin’ society sound system, and Quentin being the bassist of the band Najavibes and one of the producers of Fruits Records.

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