
Paroles: Camille & Quentin Chappuis
Composition: Camille & Quentin Chappuis
Arrangement: Camille & Quentin Chappuis, Antonin Chatelain, Mathias Liengme

The prophecy said
It will be dread

Soon you shall see
The wages of your vanity
Soon you shall see
What was the meaning of the prophecy

You wanna control the nature
You wanna master the weather
You wanna make it thunder, make it, make it shine
You’ll soon know the wages of such pride

No need to wait for the judgement day
‘Cause you’ve already started to pay
No need to wait for the judgement
The time is there’s no way to run away

See them raising the tower of Babel
But soon or late
It always crumbles
Now’s the time to show some humility
It’s time to hear the words of the prophecy

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